- Alginates: From Ocean to Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux - Prof. Dr. Serhat Bor (11.03.2020)
- With Pediatric Hematologist Eye, Hemophilia, Adolescent Period and After: Transfer of Patient to Adult, Prof. Dr. Bülent Antmen and Prof. Dr. Fahri Şahin (25.09.2019)
- Prophylaxis in Adult Hemophilia, Patient Compliance, Patient-Physician Communication, Prof. Dr. Fahri Şahin (08.10.2019)
- Prophylaxis in Adult Hemophilia, Patient Compliance, Patient-Physician Communication, Prof. Dr. Fahri Şahin (08.10.2019)
- Laboratory in Hemophilia: Factor and Inh Measurement Methods, Genetics and Gene Therapy in Hemophilia, Dr. Güneş Ak and Dr. Tahir Atik (06.11.2019)
- Glaxoshithkline (GSK) Webinar (21st December 2016)
- Nobel Pulcet Webinar, Prof. Dr. Serhat Bor, Prof. Dr. Ömer Özütemiz, Ege University Faculty of Medicine (12nd May 2016), İzmir
- Department of Anesthesiology and Reanmation Webinar, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Fatma Aşkar (26th June 2015)
- Glaxoshithkline (GSK) Webinar with Department of Urology, Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Burak Turna (15th June 2015)
- Webinar: Turkish Society of Gynecological Endoscopy - Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy, Prof. Dr. Fatih Şendağ (26th January 2011)