Çerez Örnek


Instruction of E.U. Media Centre

Purpose, Scope, Definitions
Purpose, scope, definitions
ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of this directive is to regulate the working procedures and principles of Ege Agency, Ege University Television and Ege University Radio, operating under the Ege University Media Application and Research Center.
a) Center: Ege University Media Application and Research Center (EGEMM)
b) Director of the Center: Ege University Media Application and Research Center Manager
c) Board of Directors: Ege University Media Application and Research Center Board of Directors
d) Assistant Director: Ege University Media Application and Research Center Assistant Director. It is responsible to the director of the center for the healthy and coordinated operation of the units connected to the center within and under the roof of the center.
e) Responsible News Manager: According to the Press Law No. 5187 (art.5), the proposal of the “Responsible Manager” EGEMM Manager, who will assume the legal responsibility of EGEAJANS, is appointed among the instructors of the center with the approval of the rector. The Responsible Manager is also responsible for the news content on Ege University Television, Radio Ege Campus and Ege University social media accounts and EGEGAJANS News portal, which EGEMM is responsible for. Apart from this, it can also be done in assignments needed by the Director of the Center.
f) Television General Coordinator: The person responsible for the general operation of Ege University Television against the director of the center. Appointed by the Director of the Center.
g) Broadcasting Officer: The person responsible for ensuring that the programs are broadcast smoothly from the opening to the closing, following the broadcast and editing daily broadcast reports, taking measures to guide the broadcast in line with the instructions in extraordinary situations, preparing daily broadcast announcements and carrying out other broadcasting related services.
h) TV Technical Maintenance Officer: Personnel responsible for maintenance, repair and healthy operation of television broadcasting and production equipment.
i) Playout Operator: Editing the television broadcast stream
j) Radio General Coordinator Ege University Radio is the person responsible for the general operation of Radio Ege Campus against the director of the center. Appointed by the director of the center.
k) Announcer: Personnel charged with making announcements on Radio.
l) Tonemaister: Personnel responsible for the technical operation of Radio Ege Campus studios.
m) Agency: Ege Agency
n) Television: Ege University Television (Ege University TV)
o) Radio: Radio Ege Campus
p) Center treasurer: The personnel responsible for keeping and operating the financial accounts of the Ege University Media Application and Research Center.
ARTICLE 2 - This directive has been prepared in accordance with the Press Law No. 5187 and the Regulations of Ege University Media Application and Research Center.
Owner of the Agency According to Press Law No. 5187
ARTICLE 3 - According to the Press Law No. 5187 (article 6) of EGE AJANS, which is the official news agency of Ege University Rectorate, it is the EGEMM Manager on behalf of the Rector.
Responsible Manager and Other Officers
ARTICLE 4 - According to the Press Law No. 5187 (art. 5), the proposal of the "Responsible Manager" EGEMM Manager, who will assume the legal responsibility of EGEAJANS, is appointed among the instructors of the center with the approval of the rector. In addition, a faculty member is appointed as the "Responsible News Manager" by the Director of the Center. Responsible Directorate and News Center Directorate can be run by the same person. Apart from this, the assignment and arrangement required by the Director of the Center is made.
Agency Work Place and Center
ARTICLE 5 - The working place and center of EGE AJANS is EGEMM
How the Agency Works
ARTICLE 6 - Written and video news, interviews, research and reviews prepared by EGE AJANS are transmitted to the internet and other communication tools and to internet media, newspapers, magazines, agencies and Radio-TV, social media organizations. EGEMM Manager can make private or general agreements with the press and broadcasting companies one by one. New arrangements can be made in communication systems in accordance with the requirements of the age.
A vice dean is assigned to faculties, and an assistant manager in college, institute and application research centers to provide news flow from the units of the university to the agency. It transmits the news to be published about the faculty member unit to Ege Agency and provides the coordination between the institution and the Ege Agency.
Agency Objectives and Duties
ARTICLE 7 - The founding purpose of Ege Agency is to provide communication opportunities to the Faculty of Communication students by ensuring a healthy news flow between the university and the media. To achieve these goals, the services listed below are carried out by Ege Agency.
a) To ensure that news, information and announcements requested by the Rectorate and affiliated institutions are forwarded to the press.
b) Without prejudice to the broadcasting rights granted by the law and regulations of the faculty members, to publish the research and the results of the units conducted in the units of Ege University to the press.
c) Following all kinds of social and cultural activities and sports activities within the university and delivering them to the press.
d) To carry out news studies by carrying out the boundaries of receiving information when necessary, in order to provide the students of the Faculty of Communication with experience.
e) To organize press conferences with faculties, schools, institutes and application research centers, with the related units that other units under the Rectorate wish to organize and announce to the public.
f) To announce to the public the functions and activities of faculty colleges, institutes and application research centers through the press; and to organize “Publicity meetings” in coordination with the relevant units in order to meet press members and university administrators.
g) To publish the editorial publication of the KALEM NEWSPAPER and EGEDEN MAGAZINE published on behalf of the Ege University Rectorate.
h) Providing students with the opportunity to practice the Journalism Department of the Faculty of Communication. In addition, to fulfill the tasks to be assigned by the Media Application Research Center regarding the application.
Publishing Principles
ARTICLE 8 - Ege University Television broadcasts in accordance with the following principles: a) To be bound by the word and spirit of the Constitution; the state of the country and nation, the indivisible integrity, national sovereignty, the Republic, public order, general security, to protect the public interest and to watch, b) Ataturk to ingrain principles and revolutions, predicting the emergence of contemporary civilization level of the Republic of Turkey to perform to achieve the national goal, c) State To comply with the requirements of national security policy, national and economic interests, d) To ensure that the State is ruled by a person or group, or to rule out a social class over other social classes, or to eliminate the State and State authority or to create a distinction between language, race, religion and sect. Not to include the propaganda of regimes and ideologies aiming to establish a State order based on these concepts and views, e) To observe the requirements, national traditions and moral values ​​of the general morality,
f) To comply with the basic opinions, goals and principles of Turkish national education, g) To use an easily understandable, correct, clean and beautiful Turkish language, h) Not to include issues that will harm the physical and mental health of the society, i) Pessimism, hopelessness, turmoil, terror, not to broadcast in order to evoke and inspire negative feelings such as aggression, j) to be respectful to people's private lives, dignity and dignity, and to adhere to the understanding of honesty, k) the principles of impartiality, accuracy and quickness in collecting, selecting and publishing news, and modern journalism techniques and methods. To be connected, l) To separate the news and comments and to explain the sources of the comments, m) To make sufficient publications on the issues that will concern the public in order to create a healthy and free public opinion; not to publish one-way, biased broadcasts and not to benefit the interests of a political party, group, circle of interest, belief or thought. n) To ensure that scientific, cultural, sports activities that take place in Ege University are delivered to İzmir and the public in the fastest and healthiest way.
o) To increase the love and loyalty of Ege University students to the university by promoting their academic and administrative staff to Ege University in the best way. In this way, to create awareness of being a Ege University student.
Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of Television Staff
ARTICLE 9 - The duties, powers and responsibilities of the staff working at Ege University Television are as follows:
a) Television General Coordinator:
1. Appointed by the director of the center. 2. It is responsible for the coordination of all technical and administrative processes for the television to broadcast in accordance with the broadcasting principles determined by this regulation.
3. Takes and applies the necessary measures for the television personnel to perform their duties fully.
b) Broadcast Officer: 1. In case of program changes that may occur during daily broadcasting, it directs the broadcast in accordance with the instructions of the central directorate. 2. The staff in charge during the broadcast is responsible to the broadcast manager regarding the broadcast streaming practices and act in accordance with the instructions of the broadcast manager. 3. It constantly monitors and manages the broadcast in terms of broadcasting rules. It prepares the broadcast stream and report on the daily broadcast and presents it to the Television General Coordinator.
c) Program Officer
1. Meeting the programmers whose program proposal is accepted and decide on the hour and day of the program.
2. To ensure that the photographers of the program will be photographed and prepared visually for the program.
3. To ensure that generics are prepared according to the content of the program.
4. Controlling the images to be used in the program content. To ensure that the interview shots that will be used in the program are realized and that they catch up with the program.
5. To ensure that the program shooting begins just in time. (To be in constant communication with the video unit and to ensure that the preparations in the studio are finished on time)
6. To obtain advance information from the programmer about the current guest information and content of the department to be shot.
7. To ensure the time of the program and the sharing of topics and guests on the social media before the program is published.
8. To make the editing of the program, to put the repetitions in the stream and to upload it to the youtube channel.
9. To ensure that the broadcast stream and program contents are on the television page.
10. To prepare the broadcast stream and deliver it to the broadcast manager weekly.
11. Checking that the stream is running smoothly.
12. To keep in touch with the program producers and ensure that there are no problems for the shootings.
13. To prepare weekly reports about the programs.
14. To use students effectively.
15. To prepare new program proposals.
d) Image Selector: 1. Responsible for implementing the daily broadcast flow plan in cooperation with other staff working on the broadcast in accordance with the instructions of the Broadcast Officer. 2. It is located in the room of the director during the hours it is assigned, examines the flow plan and the broadcasting forms, and determines the exact duration of the programs. 3. It provides regular streaming of the broadcast.
4. To determine the required effects and methods by coming to the table before the broadcast or recording begins.
5. To determine screen sharing in cases where two or more images will come together.
6. To ensure the framing is adjusted.
7. To be in constant communication with the cameraman during the broadcast.
e) Cameraman: 1. Responsible for recording images with the camera for shooting inside or outside the studio. 2. It is the responsibility of the cameraman to prepare the cameras and adjust the settings before shooting in the studio. 3. It is responsible for all necessary accessories and adjustments of the camera for outdoor shooting as long as it is assigned for outdoor shooting.
f) VTR-KJ Operator: 1. Prepares the subtitle used in the daily broadcast flow plan, the advertisement, trailer, spot, announcement and fill programs to be broadcast from the server device in line with the broadcast flow and the instructions of the broadcast manager. It works in coordination with the image picker. 2. He is in the regime room during his appointment. 3. It provides regular streaming of the broadcast.
4. To watch which programs will be shot on that day during the program preparation and upload the program generics to the vtr computer.
5. Uploading the images to be used in the program and checking whether there are any technical problems in the videos.
6. To guide the image selector on how to use the images.
7. Writing the names and titles of the program presenter and guests to the kj computer and giving these names during the program.
g) Voice Operator
1. Wearing the microphone of the programmer and his guests coming in live and tape shots.
2. Making voice controls before the program.
3. Providing voice transitions when necessary, such as vtr or telephone connection during broadcasting.
h) Play-out Operator
1. To adjust the broadcast stream according to the list given to it.
2. To check that the broadcast continues without interruption.
3. To direct the vtr operator and the image picker about the start and end of the program during the live broadcast. i) Studio Supervisor: 1. Responsible for the cleaning and arrangement of the broadcast studio and its affiliated units. 2. It prevents persons other than those authorized by officers and supervisors from entering the studio and service rooms. 3. It is responsible to the broadcast manager during broadcasting.
Provisions Regarding Television Program Production
ARTICLE 10 - The provisions regarding the programs to be produced on Ege University Television are as follows:
a) Ege University staff, especially Ege University students, can prepare programs in accordance with the broadcasting principles stated in article 8 of this directive. Those requests of those who want to prepare programs outside the university are subject to the permission of the Ege University Media Application and Research Center Board of Directors.
b) The person who wants to produce a program fills the Ege University Television program proposal form and submits it to the central administration. It is decided whether the program will be produced in line with the decision of the board of directors.
c) Those who produce programs for Ege University Television cannot charge a fee for these programs. They have to sign and submit a letter about the fact that they will not charge a fee for the programs they prepare before starting the program production.
Publishing Principles
ARTICLE 11 - (1) is obliged to abide by the principles of publication set out in Article 8, Article 8.
Duties, Powers and Responsibilities of Radio Personnel
ARTICLE 12 - The duties, authorities and responsibilities of the staff working at Ege University Radio are as follows:
a) Radio General Coordinator:
1. Appointed by the director of the center. 2. The radio is responsible to the central manager for the coordination of all technical and administrative processes in order to broadcast in accordance with the broadcasting principles determined by this regulation.
3. Takes and applies necessary measures for the radio personnel to perform their duties fully.
j) The duties and responsibilities of Tonemaister are as follows: 1. Ensuring the technical operation of the studio and automation systems of Radio Ege Campus 2. Preparation of announcements and “jingles” broadcasted on the radio 3. Recording and assembly of the programs to be broadcast on the radio
4. Regular monitoring of the radio broadcast, informing the radio general coordinator in case of interruption of the terrestrial broadcast due to a problem caused by the web broadcast or radio transmitter.
5. Protection and maintenance of radio broadcasting and production equipment
k) Announcer's duties and responsibilities 1. Announcer, grammar, phonetics, diction, articulation, highlighting, intonation, correct and good speech, evaluating texts according to their characteristics, participating in production and publication works by voice, broadcasting in accordance with the daily publication schedules in the studio. is the person who executes in integrity. 2. Read the news topics in the news text to be presented before television or radio news presentation and prepare for broadcasting 3. Controls the technical devices that will be used such as microphone, headphones, intercom and prompter before broadcasting.
4. To ensure that the broadcast is maintained in a healthy manner in cases such as breaking news and live connection that may develop outside the normal broadcast stream.
ARTICLE 13 - Operation and maintenance of transmitters A technical staff specializing in radio, television transmitters and link systems within the university is assigned. If the personnel with these features cannot be found, it may be possible to purchase services.
ARTICLE -14 - The matters not covered by this directive are processed according to Ege University Media Application and Research Center Regulation and general provisions.
ARTICLE 15- This directive takes effect on the date approved by the Aegean University Senate.
ARTICLE 16- This directive is executed by Ege University Rectorate Media Application and Research Center.


Ege Üniversitesi