Çerez Örnek



Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions
ARTICLE 1 - (1) The purpose of this Regulation; To regulate the principles and procedures of the Ege University Media Application and Research Center, the management organs, the duties and functions of the management organs.
ARTICLE 2 - (1) This Regulation; It covers the provisions of the Ege University Media Application and Research Center, the governing bodies, the duties of the governing bodies and the way they work.
ARTICLE 3 - (1) This Regulation has been prepared on the basis of sub-paragraph (d) (2) and sub-article (14) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
ARTICLE 4 - (1) In this Regulation;
a) Advisory Board: Ege University Media Application and Research Center Advisory Board,
b) Center: Ege University Media Application and Research Center,
c) Director: Ege University Media Application and Research Center Manager,
ç) Rector: Rector of Ege University,
d) University: Ege University,
e) Board of Directors: Ege University Media Application and Research Center Board of Directors,
Aims and Areas of Activity of the Center
The objectives of the center
ARTICLE 5 - (1) The objectives of the center are:
a) To carry out all kinds of scientific and applied research studies in order to follow the international developments and studies in the field of mass communication and to contribute to the development of teaching through the Center.
b) Through the mass media of the university; to contribute to the development of cooperation with all stakeholders and integration with the society.
c) To coordinate the media and public relations activities of the University efficiently.
ç) To plan and execute the work flow processes of mass media under its responsibility.
d) To contribute to the professional preparation for the students studying in the study area of ​​the center.
e) To prepare projects and programs in the field of mass communication and advertising. To send employees to stakeholder organizations at home and abroad for training purposes or to accept people from abroad.
f) To coordinate the institutional culture and identity of the university, reputation management studies. For this purpose, to create and develop the University's audiovisual archive.
g) Researching and presenting opportunities that will contribute to urban culture and social development, scientific and artistic.
Activity areas of the center
ARTICLE 6 - (1) The center carries out the following activities in order to achieve its objectives stated in Article 5:
a) To carry out the activities of Ege University Television, Radio Ege Campus and Ege Agency.
b) To carry out the necessary studies so that the news about Ege University can take place in local, national and international press.
c) To carry out the program production processes of Ege University Television and Radio Ege Campus.
ç) To ensure the operation and development of the technical infrastructure of Ege University Television and Radio Ege Campus.
d) To provide opportunities for Ege University students, faculty members who are educated in or interested in radio, television, television journalism, advertising, etc. to practice.
e) To support the mass communication tools of the University in the most efficient way with the most up-to-date technologies by closely following the technological developments in the media field.
f) To archive all kinds of audio, video and photo recordings related to Ege University and to make them available to researchers by backing up and classifying them with media asset management systems.
g) To carry out training, conferences, seminars, panels, events and similar organizations and studies in a way to contribute to the development of mass communication and advertising areas.
ğ) To develop and implement projects for the use of radio, television, multimedia (multimedia), print media, news agency, desktop broadcasting, cinema, advertising and public relations, marketing communication tools in education, distance education, interactive education and similar fields.
h) To prepare the requests for promotional films, documentaries and educational films that will come from within or outside the university, based on the agreement to be reached between the parties.
Organs and Duties of the Center
Organs of the center
ARTICLE 7 - (1) The organs of the center are:
a) Manager.
b) Board of Directors.
c) Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 8 - (1) The Director is selected by the Rector among the faculty members of the Faculty of Communication and appointed for three years. The expired Manager may be re-appointed by the same procedure, or he may be dismissed before his term expires.
(2) Up to two people among the faculty members working at the University to assist the Director with the proposal of the Director, are appointed by the Rector as vice-director for three years. Duties of assistant directors ends automatically when the term of office of the director expires. When the director is not at his post, he leaves one of the assistants. If the attorney lasts more than six months, the new Director is appointed.
The powers and responsibilities of the manager
ARTICLE 9 - (1) The duties of the director are as follows:
a) To represent the center and chair the Board of Directors, to implement the decisions taken by the Board of Directors.
b) To ensure efficient operation of the center and coordination between the relevant units.
c) To prepare the report covering the activities of the Center and submit it to the Board of Directors at the end of each working period. To prepare the budget of the Center together with the Board of Directors.
ç) To determine, put into practice, to establish working groups, to direct studies and activities, especially scientific studies to be carried out by the Center within the plan.
d) To determine the meeting agendas of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board; Submitting the research, implementation and work plans and projects prepared by the center to the Advisory Board for evaluation.
e) To present the meeting proposal of the Advisory Board to the Board of Directors when necessary and to invite those concerned to the Advisory Board meetings.
(2) Manager; It is primarily responsible to the Rector for the regular execution of the works for the purposes of the Center, for the surveillance and supervision of all the activities of the Center and for taking necessary measures in these matters.
Board of Directors
ARTICLE 10 - (1) Board of Directors;
a) Under the chairmanship of the director, it consists of seven members, two of which are deputy directors and four members elected from among the University lecturers, proposed by the Director and appointed by the Rector for three years. The member whose term has expired can be re-appointed. The member is assigned with the same procedure to complete the remaining period in place of the member who leaves his post for any reason.
b) At the invitation of the director, it meets more frequently every month, when necessary, and reviews the activities of the center and makes decisions on related issues. The Board of Directors convenes with absolute majority and takes decisions with the absolute majority of the participating members. In case of vote equality, the decision of the manager is included in the game.
c) Determines the principles regarding the preparation of the annual report to be prepared by the manager at the end of each activity period, evaluates the presented report and organizes the work schedule for the next period.
Advisory Board
ARTICLE 11 - (1) Advisory Board; It is an organ that contributes to the work of the center with advisory opinions and suggestions. Advisory Board; It consists of five members elected by the recommendation of the Board of Directors and the approval of the Rector among the foreign and Turkish scientists, faculty members, national and international public and private institutions and organizations who have worked in the activity areas of the center.
(2) Members of the Advisory Board serve for three years.
(3) The Advisory Board meets at least once a year on the date to be determined by the Director and under the chairmanship of the Director. The majority is not required in meetings.
Staff need
ARTICLE 12 - (1) The academic, technical and administrative personnel needs of the center are met by the personnel to be appointed by the Rector according to the article 13 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547.
Equipment and fixtures
ARTICLE 13 - (1) All tools, equipment and fixtures purchased within the scope of the works carried out by the Center are the property of the Center.
Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
Cases without provisions
ARTICLE 14 - (1) In cases where there is no provision in this Regulation; other relevant legislative provisions apply.
Implemented regulation
ARTICLE 15 - (1) Ege University Information and Communication Technologies Research and Application Center Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 11/7/2001 and numbered 24459 has been repealed.
ARTICLE 16 - (1) This Regulation comes into force on the date of its publication.
ARTICLE 17 - (1) Rector executes the provisions of this Regulation.


Ege Üniversitesi